Welcome to
AG and Investments
Three words that best describes AG and Investment Services, Inc. mission in the commodities arena. Whether you are a farmer or an end user of commodities, we can help you manage risk, gain control over market volatility, and improve your average cash price. AG and Investment Services, Inc. established in 1987 by Sue Martin as an Introducing Broker, clearing RJ O’Brien. Sue’s analytical nature along with foresight and expertise in commodity markets helped to make Ag and Investments the successful firm that it is today. Ag and Investment’s goal is to provide clients the service and knowledge they need to make decisive decisions to grow their agribusinesses.
Market price volatility can improve or hurt your bottom line. The extent to which either result occurs has everything to do with the way you manage risk and we can help you gain control over that volatility and improve your outcome of profitability.
Sue Martin is a well-known agricultural speaker for events sponsored by financial institutions, grain elevators, seed and chemical companies, chamber of commerce entities, insurance companies, and Women’s Ag Groups. Sue is available for seminars, media interviews, and speaking engagements for small or large groups of hedgers, and investors wishing to gain insight as to what the future holds for various ag markets. If your company or conference is in need of a speaker, Sue can be reached at 800-527-0051.

Current Speaking Schedule:
○ 7th Annual Women Landowner’s Conference on June 20th, 2019
○ South Dakota Governor’s Ag Summit on July 10th, 2019

AG and Investment’s is a full service brokerage with no minimum account size. Futures commissions are charged half in and half out. Option commissions are charged up front with fees and clearing half in and half out.
Commission charges are as follows:
$30.00 per side plus all fees and clearing
$35.00 per side plus all fees and clearing for all New York markets
The information, tools and material presented on AG and Investment Services, Inc. website are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be used or considered as an offer or a solicitation to sell or an offer or solicitation to buy or subscribe for investment products or other financial instruments, nor to constitute any advice or recommendation with respect to such securities, investment products or other financial instruments.
The use of AG and Investments.com is at your own sole risk. AGandinvestments.com is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. AG and Investments.com nor, AG and Investment Services, Inc. makes no warranty that information will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error free.
No charts, graphs, formulae, theories or methods of securities analysis can guarantee profitable results. This document does not purport to be a complete description of the securities or commodities, market or developments to which reference is made.
The information contained in AG & Investment Services, Inc’s website agandinvestments.com has been taken from trade and statistical services and other sources, which we believe are reliable. AG and Investment Services, Inc., does not guarantee that such information is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. Any opinions expressed reflect judgments at this date and are subject to change without notice. The principals of AG and Investment Services, Inc. and others associated or
affiliated with it may recommend or have positions which may not be consistent with the recommendations made. Each of these persons exercises judgment in trading and readers are urged to exercise their own judgment in trading. Past Performance is not indicative of future results.